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February 21, 2005 - 5:31 p.m.

Snowy Productive Day

Just when I was getting used to the ground being visible again, sunshine, and above-freezing temperatures winter had to return. It's very cold outside, and there are a few inches of fresh snow. This is the time of year when the snow no longer looks pretty to me. Last week, watching the drifts recede and grass emerge reminded me of what spring will bring. Now, I am looking forward to lilacs and forsythia, the smell of air warmed by warm sun and the vivid green of new shoots and leaves.

At least with the snow keeping me at home, I've been quite productive today. I even dusted - a chore I absolutely hate and had been putting off for months. I also finished some laundry, cleared and sorted the clutter from several areas of my room, and cleaned Percy's cage and gave him a bath. I still haven't started my homework for tomorrow's classes, but at least I've checked some items off my to-do list. Hopefully the rest of the week will be as productive. If so, I may actually get my whole room clean and orderly, which would be fantastic. I am really sick of being a slob.

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flutter back - fly ahead

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