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February 18, 2005 - 6:47 p.m.

On Vacation, Sort Of

This coming week, the kids don't have school, so their family is going to be spending the week up at the lake house. It's sort of their last hurrah of ski season, since they probably won't be able to be back up there until April. So, in theory, I am on vacation this week.

However, I still have classes. Since I missed that first week when B was sick, I really can't justify skipping out on them, especially since a similar situation could come up again when I would need to stay home with one or more of the kids. While both classes are easy, they also both count attendance and participation heavily, so I need to be pretty responsible. Also, I have a project for the Infants and Toddlers class that involves observing at a day care center for 2-3 hours.

I had planned to spend this weekend, through Monday, in New York City visiting friends, museum-hopping, and seeing a show or two, but that plan fell through. Hopefully, I will be able to make it down sometime soon. Instead, I guess I will take the opportunity to sleep in some, clean my room, and maybe take advantage of the cultural institutions here in Boston that I've either never visited or not been to in long time. If it weren't February, I would probably be planning a trip to the zoo or the beach or one of those quaint New England towns that are perfect for wandering.

This is the first February school vacation since I became a nanny that I am not spending somewhere sunny and fun. The first two were spent on Caribbean cruises, and last year I was in San Diego. *sigh* A leisurely week without childcare duties and only 6 hours of volunteering and 5 hours of classes is nice, but it sort of pales in comparison to those memories... Still, even aside from the class commitments, I need to be saving money in preparation for those eventual internship months during which I will have no income. So, this year a fancy vacation was simply out of the question.

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