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February 16, 2005 - 7:01 p.m.

What's a Couch Potato To Do?

AAAAARRRRGGGHH! Three of my favorite shows are on TV tonight, all at the same time! American Idol, Project Runway, and The West Wing. All at 9PM. I am greatly perturbed that AI moved from 8 to 9, because now it will conflict with The West Wing every week. Neither show is conducive to missing chunks either. If I miss a performance of one singer on AI, I can't argue for or against them or choose to vote for him/her (undecided as to whether I will be voting this year - I have only once in the past, and that was after the Jennifer Hudson and LaToya London travesties last year) in an educated way. And WW plots are often woven tightly enough that missing a few minutes makes things confusing. Plus, I like to sop up every last bit of pithy dialogue and dysfunctional workplace relationships. Anyway, at least Project Runway is nearing the season finale, so that won't conflict for much longer.

For tonight, American Idol isn't crucial, since it's just the revelation of the 24 singers we'll be watching in the upcoming weeks - plenty of time to get to know them then. And Project Runway is a two-hour talk fest reunion of all the competitors - I am sure not every moment will be gripping and there won't be any pretty or zany new designs to admire or snark at. So, I guess The West Wing will get most of my attention this evening, though there will no doubt be much channel-changing. Good thing I don't have any homework to do. :)

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