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January 11, 2005 - 9:33 p.m.

Shoulda Seen This One Coming

I've discovered an eensy weensy flaw in one of my favorite Christmas gifts. See, my parents got me the complete first season of The West Wing on DVD. I wasn't into the show yet when that season originally aired, so I had seen almost none of the episodes. I've been having a blast watching them, sometimes 2 or 3 in a row.

Now, however, I have watched all the way through the season finale... a good cliffhanger. And I never saw the season premiere of the second season, so I don't know what happens! I guess I have to make a trip to Blockbuster in the next couple of days. They really ought to include the next season's premiere on these boxed sets! After a couple of weeks of having episode after episode of witty banter and quirky relationships pretty at my disposal, I don't know how to wait for the resolution of the finale.

Yeah, my life is tough. :)

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