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November 03, 2004 - 7:52 p.m.

What Now?

Like many of my friends, I am trying to figure out how to cope with the election results. Bush's re-election, though it bothers me, is far less disturbing than the gay marriage bans and the general tendency to vote based on "moral values". I know I am a moderate, loving, open-minded, tolerant person, but I simply fail to understand how allowing gay marriages undermines marriage between a man and a woman! Are people so blinded by fear of difference or change that they are unable to see that two parents of the same sex are just as good as a mom and a dad and far better than a stressed out, stretched thin single parent or apathetic hetero parents. Plus, since gay parents can't have a child by accident, I'd argue they are way more likely to be committed and effective parents. Children seeing loving, stable marriages of any gender composition should strengthen the institution of marriage just as much as pregnant teens jumping into marriage because it's the "moral" thing to do weaken it. That kind of hatred and intolerance makes me sick to my stomach in a way that Bush for four more years can't begin to. Even if you believe homosexuality is immoral, why do you want the government to intervene? Do you want Jewish politicians legislating pork out of the Piggly Wiggly or Catholics passing laws that make a Friday hamburger illegal?

Anyway, the election has had one positive effect, in that I have resolved to do my part to help inform the uninformed masses. I hope W and the Republican majority won't do anything too drastic in the next four years, but in any case I intend to help ensure that yesterday's results aren't repeated in four years (and hopefully that inroads are made in two.)

On the brighter side, I am enjoying having free time again. This past weekend, devoid of rehearsals, performances, and baseball games, was instead filled with parties, sleeping, and celebrating the Red Sox championship. I hosted a dinner and pumpkin carving fest, which was well-attended and a great deal of fun. I attended a literary costume party dressed as the White Witch of Narnia in a costume I assembled at the absolute last minute. And I attended the Red Sox celebratory parade, also known as the "rolling rally", with two good friends who recently moved to Virginia. The parade was awesome, much more exciting than I had expected, and we had a great view of lots of Sox players and management. It was really excellent to be part of such a huge number (more than 3 million) of people unified in their support of the local comeback kids.

Having a bit of free time has allowed me to get my photos of the above events as well as the play in order. So, anyone who likes can check out my photos from Little Shop, the Red Sox Parade, and Halloween. Enjoy!

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