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November 13, 2004 - 1:02 p.m.

Coping Mechanisms

I think the stress of not knowing what I am going to be doing come January (thanks to still not knowing yea or nay on the internship) but still having to deal with the family I work for dealing with my possible (in their minds propable) departure is getting to me. I slept nearly 11 hours last night and woke today just before noon. Yikes.

Luckily, I have good stuff going on to balance the uncertainty, sadness, and stress. For instance, yesterday, I got my hair cut and colored, and the result isn't a huge change but still feels quite different. I now have roughly the same hair style, but the color, instead of the medium golden blonde I've been cultivating for years, is now more of a warm light brown with bits of copper and blonde.

I wanted to go a little more red than it actually turned out, but I still love it. It's the darkest, and in some ways the dullest, my hair has been in nearly a decade, but because it suits my skin tone so well and brings out my eyes, I think it actually looks better than the old blonde. Next time, I may have the colorist put in a little more copper to brighten it up a bit, but until then, I will enjoy it just as it is.

Last night I went with my brother and some friends to see The Incredibles, and I think that movie could cheer up just about anyone. It was fantastic. I heard really good things about the movie, but still wasn't prepared for just how great it was. The voices were fun, the characterizations exceedingly clever, the plot enjoyable, the animation fabulous, the dialogue snappy, and the soundtrack a perfect complement to the film. Wow. You must go see it. Sure, you can wait for the video, and that wouldn't be entirely tragic as it isn't a movie that absolutely must be seen on the big screen, but even the outrageous cost of a movie ticket isn't worth having to wait to see one of the best movies of the year! Honestly, I laughed so hard there were tears. The movie is further evidence that letting go of Pixar was a colossal brain fart on the part of Disney. What the heck were they thinking?

Before, during, and after the movie, the sky outside was busy dumping a few inches of snow on us. Today I am a little less bitter about that, since the sun is shining upon the fresh snow (which is clinging to every twig and branch in a rather picturesque way) and making it undeniably pretty.

Today I get to celebrate a friend's birthday with an afternoon of board and card games and an evening of karaoke fun. Really, as far as I am concerned, that's just about a perfect Saturday. Yay! I can feel my remaining tense muscles relaxing already. :)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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