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October 26, 2004 - 7:19 p.m.

Stress Decreasing At Last

Phew. Little by little I am catching up on my sleep, and the knots in my shoulders are untying. I still think I need a massage, though.

After a great deal of angst during tech week, including, but not limited to, tears shed by more than one person involved in the play, security guards at the theater yelling at us, and many cast members considering disinviting friends and family to the show, a miracle occurred. We pulled off a really good show. Opening night on Thursday was a wash, but thankfully there weren't many people in the audience. The rest of the performances went quite well, except for some minor technical problems, the odd castmember mistake, and more substantial issues with the band. Overall, I was quite pleased with how things went, and was able to have a whole lot of fun performing. And I think all the folks I know who came to the show enjoyed it. Hooray!

Red Sox stress is still in the picture, but has abated a great deal for the time being. I certainly want Boston to win the World Series, but would be rather content with all they've achieved thus far. Not only did they beat the Yankees in spectacular fashion, but they attracted the nation's attention and are now able to show off the determination, camaraderie, hope, and work ethic that made me fall in love with this team months ago. I think Bill Simmons on ESPN.com described them perfectly, "a good group of guys who bring out the best in one another. It's the kind of team you dream of following." The Cardinals seem like a good team with a lot of talent, but I can't stop thinking that the Sox really deserve to win it all. We'll just have to wait and see if the universe agrees. :)

I still stressed out about the Johns Hopkins internship, too, but recent developments have helped ease that tension as well. Yesterday I finally got a call from the director of the program and I had a phone interview. I think it went really well, but I got the impression I may not be their perfect candidate. I don't have any coursework that relates to the child life field directly, and my work experience with children is almost entirely with preschool aged kids. Plus, she told me they are only taking 3 interns. Eek! I am not totally confident, but I've done everything I could, so I am hopeful. And just getting the interview made me feel better, since I was about to give up hope entirely. She said they would notify applicants "very soon", so the waiting game shouldn't go on much longer. The interview was with the same woman who was pretty obnoxious about my application being late, but this time she was very friendly and nice. Perhaps they really liked my application after all. :)

It's a relief to have free time again, to feel good about my performance in the show (and have great memories from it), for the Sox to still be playing in late October, and to still be in the running for the internship. Life is a whole lot easier than it was this time last week!

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Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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