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August 25, 2004 - 10:34 p.m.


I am hoping that this week will mark the beginning of some good things for me. After having done nothing theater related since my chorus role in Meet Me In St. Louis last December, tonight I went for my second community theater audition in two days! Tonight's audition, for Little Shop of Horrors, went extremely well. At the risk of tooting my own horn, I have to say that I nailed it, and I am very pleased. I sang "Suddenly Seymour" and totally belted it. It was a blast, and I can honestly say that I did my very best. I was most worried about the dance part of the audition, but that went well also. In fact, I must have looked halfway decent, since the choreographer moved me to the middle of the front row for the last run through. She said I seemed to "have it down pretty well." :) We also read from the script, and I am happy with my performance for that as well. I got to read for each of the Ronettes and Audrey. I think I read clearly with emotion and personality, so I am content.

Since I feel confident about my performance, and I got to see the other people audition, I am much more optimistic about getting a role. I'd say that vocally I was one of the top four or so women there tonight, and the director said that only about 8 people auditioned last night. I wouldn't be totally shocked if I got at least called back for the part of Audrey, though I would be absolutely thrilled. Even getting a part as one of the Ronettes would be a great opportunity, though, since they are quite prominent in the show. They don't have tons of lines, but they have key parts in many of the songs.

I am not nearly as confident about yesterday's audition for The Secret Garden, which is kind of sad, since I got to be in Little Shop in high school, but would love a chance to be in TSG. It's one of my favorite Broadway shows of all time. Those auditions were conducted privately, so I have no idea how my singing compared to anyone else's or how many people tried out. It's also a more challenging show musically, so I fear that my lack of recent theater experience may count against me. Additionally, it's a show with a very small cast, so the bar is set a little higher. I sang okay last night, but I wouldn't say I gave the best possible impression. Having done well tonight, though, and being pretty confident of getting at least a chorus role in Little Shop is helping me to be a bit more philosophical about it all.

Now the waiting period begins... Callbacks for both shows are tomorrow night, which could pose a problem. I don't really expect to get called back for TSG, though, so hopefully I won't have to make a tough choice. Even if I get called back for neither show, I could still be cast in one or both. The callback list for TSG goes up online at midnight, and I am very tempted to just stay up. If they want me at callbacks for Little Shop, I'll get a call tomorrow morning. Rehearsals for that show start Sunday, so they have to cast it by Friday. That makes the waiting nice and short. Casting for TSG could take a bit longer, though. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate suspense in my life?

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