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August 20, 2004 - 6:19 p.m.

Sleepy But Satisfied

The world outside my windows just got very dark but lit sporadically by lightning and undercut by the deep rumblings of thunder. I guess the thunderstorm warnings that kept interrupting the Olypic braodcast this afternoon were well founded.

Speaking of the Olympics, I have watched the broadcasts just about every night, which has added up to a pretty big sleep deficit. I am one of those people that really needs my eight hours a night, and this week, I have been averaging around six. Makes for a sleepy Kris, and usually a cranky one, which is not good when I have to care for, entertain, and be patient with three rather active kids for 11.5 hours a day.

[This post was interrupted by a made dash through torrential rain and pea-sized hail up the driveway, when I realized that I had left my car windows open a crack as the thunderstorm began in earnest. It was raining so hard that by the time I got to the car, which couldn't have taken more than five or six seconds, my lower half, unprotected by my rain jacket, was totally drenched. So much so that I decided to go ahead and bring in four packages that the UPS man had left outside the garage. Good thing, too, since the cardboard was already getting limp, and who knows what state the contents would be in if I had left them out there. Being thoroughly soaked seems to be funny to me, since I couldn't stop giggling for a solid five minutes after my foray. I think I would have stayed out to play in the rain and puddles if it hadn't been for the lightning. Now that I know someone who survived a serious lightning strike (fatal to one of her companions), that's a risk I am not going to take. Now back to your regularly scheduled entry.]

Luckily for me, in spite of the loss of sleep, I have been in good nanny form all week. The kids, for the most part, were exceptionally well-behaved. I think we struck a good balance between just hanging out at home and going out and doing fun stuff. At home we did science and art project such as seeing how many drops of water can be held on a penny with surface tension and using crayon shavings melted between two sheets of wax paper with an iron to create colorful window art. The kids also spent a good amount of time playing all together, pretending to be dogs, building with legos, and making forts out of couch cushions. It was a delight to sit back and watch them play harmoniously together and even work out some conflicts that arose on their own. We also went bowling, mini-golfing, out for ice cream, and to a puppet show, so it was a very busy, but fun, week. On next weeks agenda: possibly a trip to the zoo, swimming at Walden Pond, rollerskating, and a tour of a candy factory.

Staying up to watch the Olympic coverage has also been worth it, because of the awesome performances I've gotten to watch. Paul Hamm, Brett McClure, and Carly Patterson in gymnastics, so many swimmers, including, of course, Phelps, Beard, Peirsol, and Coughlin, and some awesome beach volleyball from Misty May and Kerri Walsh (sadly the indoor US women's volleyball team is not doing so well). And that is just the Americans! Truly, I have been impressed by how much fun I have had watching just about every event that's been broadcast in primetime. I root pretty seriously for my favorites and my heart has gotten pumping pretty quickly during both the close events, the come from behind wins (Hamm's being the prime example), and the astonishing record breaking performances. I've even gotten to watch some events with the kids - hooray for TV that I can watch with the kids at work and not feel guilty!

Last night I missed the Olympics, since I was attending the goodbye party for a friend who is headed to grad school in New Jersey. It was a fun party, but a sad day. Tomorrow I have another going away party to attend, this one for my former housemate and his wife who are moving to Maryland also for grad school. *sigh* I am happy for all of them, since they are moving for great opportunities, but it is always hard to say farewell to friends. At least with the couple moving to Maryland, I can look forward to being near them if I get into the Child Life program in Baltimore.

Meanwhile, I had thought I might go out for karaoke tonight, but considering the weather and my lack of compatriots for such an outing, I think I'll stay home. Another night on the couch watching athletes that make me feel like a lazy ball of flab is in order, I think, along with a homemade burrito. No party girl am I!

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