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July 22, 2004 - 10:13 p.m.

How Could I Forget?

I generally consider myself a well-trained professional, if not an expert, in the field of child care, but this week I made a classic, novice mistake. I totally forgot that changes in routine with kids very often result in big changes in behavior, typically for the worse. When I was a preschool teacher, Mondays were often a challenge. After just two days at home, where the rules were often more relaxed and were certainly always different to some degree than those at school, the kids were a combination of tired, hyper, sensitive, and obnoxious. When a child returned to school after a family vacation or worse yet, the holidays, I knew to be ready with lots of humor, reminders of limits and rules, and some extra attention. Sadly, somewhere in the course of my own vacation, I forgot all that. Dumb mistake, and I have paid for it, as have the kids.

Since I didn't remember that simple correlation, I was mentally unprepared for the transition from vacation to everyday routine. After two weeks of being with their parents 24/7 and being indulged to some degree (daily visits to the ice cream truck, lots of fun outings, lots of TV time, etc.), it's no wonder the kids are acting up a bit. I may be a cool, fun nanny, but I can't compare to Mom and Dad and some good old-fashioned spoiling! I am not criticizing the parents for their indulgence at all; vacation is supposed to be fun and relaxed, but it does make my job a bit harder. I didn't live up to the challenge very well, I am afraid. I raised my voice too many times to count this week, and often let my frustration get the better of me.

The girls' behavior hasn't been too bad. They've mostly been tired, cranky, and a little snippy with me and each other. Nothing too serious. B, on the other hand, has been a real handful. He's been testing limits with me so much, you'd almost think I was a brand new nanny to the family. The other day, after getting out of the shower at the pool, I asked him not to stand over my shoes since he was dripping wet. A few moments later, I emerged from the shower to find him standing right over said shoes, which were now soaking wet. The same day he ripped up a picture which M had hanging on her bedroom door, just because the girls wanted to play by themselves and wouldn't let him in. Today he knocked over his sister's cup of lemonade on purpose, got angry when she put her head down on the table facing him ("She's looking at me!"), and threw a fit when I made him pick up his toys before going downstairs for breakfast - he was insistent that he needed to be the first one downstairs for some reason.

So, it's been a difficult and disappointing week. Difficult for the reasons mentioned above as well as the continuing lack of laundry facilities at the house. Disappointing because, while it's never easy to deal with misbehavior like that, I should have expected it and been able to deal with it with more patience and humor. Ah well, both the behavior and my response to it got better as the week passed. Next week things should be mostly back to normal.

After a stressful week, I am really looking forward to volunteering tomorrow. Hopefully the playroom will be busy. Sounds weird to hope that there will be lots of kids there, but I am not wishing for more kids in the hospital, just that the ones that are there will be able and willing to come play. Some kids don't feel up to leaving their rooms, others can't due to compromised immune systems or contagious illnesses. So, I always hope for a larger percentage of kids who are well enough to come out and play. It keeps me busy and makes me feel useful. But whatever is in store, I am looking forward to the change of pace.

today's project: beating the heat with water balloons, sprinkler, pool, etc.

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