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May 14, 2004 - 9:03 a.m.

Wake Up!

It's 9AM, and there is some sort of saw running just outside my wall along with all sorts of banging and hammering. Good thing I was already up. I guess I can't count on sleeping in on Fridays anymore. The construction folk have only appeared three days out of the past three weeks in which they were supposed to be doing the work. It figures that they show up on a Friday - the one weekday morning when I can sleep in or just start the day slowly on my couch reading, catching up on email, and watching crappy AM TV. This week it may be a good thing they are here, though, since there are things, like cleaning my room and going to the gym, that I probably should be doing instead of taking it easy. It's a little scary how unmotivated I have been for the most part lately. Maybe I will start by getting some laundry done. Then I can put it away along with the piles of folded clothes still sitting on the couch from the last load I did.

I also need to catch S this morning at some point while the kids are at school and let her know that I won't be moving in the fall and can stay on here until at least Christmas. Even though I think she and R will be thrilled to be able to keep me as their nanny for a few extra months, I have been putting off telling them about the breakup. It is really hard for me to break the news to people. I think that is because any sympathy tends to push me into emotional mode and because I hate causing that awkward time when people don't know what to say. In this specific case, I think I'll try to gloss over the breakup part and just focus on the fact that I won't be moving south. That's really all R and S need to know.

Okay, time to get this day started.

today's project: laundry, the bank, cleaning, oh my!

Did you know? same sex marriage licenses are going to be issued here in MA beginning Monday!

consecutive workout days: today will be #1.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005