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May 15, 2004 - 6:17 p.m.

Quelle Suprise!

A miracle has occurred. That or hell just installed a shiny new skating rink. :) Today's rehearsal for NCV was a success. We may actually pull off this piece. Yep, the one we've only had for about six weeks, that has scads of triplets, lots of accidentals, and much syncopation, on top of some seriously close harmonies. Oh, and did I mention that it's about 18 pages long! We really busted our butts pulling this off, but I think it may have worked. Which is a HUGE relief, since in just the past week we have put seven and a half hours of rehearsal into this music, plus an extra hour+ I spent working on notes on my own. Oy. I just hope we can keep it together in actual performance. Singing for an audience can be a crap shoot. The pitch can drift sharp or flat, the tempo can go overboard, etc.

Despite finally having a bit of a handle on the piece, we all still want to stangle the composer who has made our collective chorus life miserable over the past month. She visited our rehearsal today, and got some not so friendly looks. :) She made some good points about the interpretation of the piece - which she is extremely lucky we have any brainpower left over for at this point - but she also did some pretty obnoxious stuff. Such as interrupting while our director was given us pointers, and gesturing and mouthing directions to us, the singers, over our conductor's head during one run through. Said conductor missed that last one, since obnoxious composer lady was behind her, and that is probably a very good thing. I think she would have gone ballistic if she'd seen it.

I also had lunch, and margaritas, with my good friend T, who is also in NCV, today. She's one of my favorite people, and I always enjoy hanging out with her. She's also one of my few single friends, so I am especially glad to have her around right now. She's been full of good advice, sympathy, and companionship in the past few weeks, which I have needed.

Sam was supposed to be arriving in the area tomorrow, but now the plans are uncertain according to my informant. :) I guess he (Sam) got an interview for a better job than the one up here, but no news on whether or not it will pan out. I think I am prepared to face him at this point, but it's really hard to say. No point in worrying about it in advance, though. Especially since he may not even end up in the area. I do miss him, though.

today's project: preparing for Choralfest

Did you know? It's over 80 degrees outside. We appear to have skipped spring entirely this year.

consecutive workout days: one - it was too hot for rollerblading today, sadly.

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Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005