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May 13, 2004 - 7:32 p.m.

Random Notes

The busyness continues. I had rehearsal Tuesday, babysat the kids last night, have D&D tomorrow night, rehearsal again on Saturday, and Choralfest on Sunday. Yikes. I am utterly content to sit and veg tonight. I hope to take it easy tomorrow, too, though I absolutely must get a workout in to maintain any sense of fitness self-worth.

I got the kids in bed last night in time to catch the results show for American Idol. I missed the performances because of rehearsal Tuesday, but I wanted to see who would get voted off. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw that LaToya and Fantasia were the bottom two. Worse yet, La Toya was voted off!!!! I was stunned, then livid, then philosophical, then bitter. I think she is the best singer in the competition, and I think that anyone that isn't tone deaf would have to agree that she and Fantasia are the two best. It was a travesty! She earned an even greater measure of my respect last night, though. As everyone, audience, judges, and contestants alike stood there looking stunned and crying, she remained beautiful and composed. Paula was practically sobbing and Fantasia actually was while LaToya sang her farewell song with power, emotion, presence, and grace. She's amazing. I don't care what "America" thinks, she is an American Idol. My consolation is that talent as big as hers doesn't need to win the title to make it in the music industry. I'd bet she has a recording contract within the month, and you'd better believe I will be buying her first album. And at least Jasmine looked suitable embarrassed. Ugh.

There's something going on in the local gopher community... At least once every two days while driving I spot a dead gopher on the side of the road. I don't know if the giant rodents decided they'd watched the squirrels have all the fun dodging traffic for too long, if they all got into a bad batch of fermented berries, or in their spring horniness mistook brown cars for colossal, sleek, and shiny members of the opposite woodchuck sex, but, dude, there have been a lot of them! In addition to the gophers, we've had a dead sparrow on the front porch, and I saw a huge specimen of possum road kill today. I though spring was supposed to the season of new life?

NPR did a segment on art today in which they discussed the price of original works of art and why we value originals so highly. It started me thinking about authenticity and why it is so important to us. One of the guests on the program pointed out that authenticity is sought in more than just art. Concerts sell out even though digital recordings are more perfect than a live performance can over be. People pack sports stadiums when you can see the actual plays of a game much better on TV. His point was very well made, and I totally agree with it, but he didn't get much into why we care so much about experiencing the real thing. He did say that it may be due to our desire to be close to greatness. I definitely think that is true - we all want to be associated with famous things even if we have no desire for fame itself. Perhaps in some deep part of our subconscious we think that some part of the genius or talent involved in art, music, sports, etc will rub off on us when we witness it in person. In some cases, the desire to see something "live" comes from the sense of community with other fans, but that doesn't hold true in the art world. Anyway, if got me thinking, which is why I enjoy listening to NPR.

Today's weather was just about perfect. The sun was strong and warm, and there was a slight, cool breeze. A wonderful spring day. B and I read library books on the patio, and the kids watched the foundation get poured for the addition to the house. Just imagine how excited a certain little boy was to see a cement mixer pulling into his very own driveway. :)

today's project: blue jello with gummy fish

Did you know? The GDP of Latvia is only about $4K per capita!

consecutive workout days: none - I shanked today and took a nap instead, since I babysat until after 11 last night.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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