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May 12, 2004 - 10:27 a.m.

Five Questions

So, the FIVE QUESTIONS meme. Sigerson did it, and I asked her to question me. The questions and my answers are below, but first the basic rules:

1. Let me know in comments ("twitter away") if you'd like me to come up with five questions for you.

2. Once I have replied with my questions, post the answers and the rules in your own blog, if you have one, and see what people want to know about you.

So, here are her, very interesting queries and my responses.

1. You must choose a Pokemon or other cutesy small thing that will appear next to your signature on all official documents. It won't affect how others see you--they have to have one, too--but it will be EVERYWHERE. Business cards, mortgages, etc. What do you choose?

This took more thought than you might expect. I don't think there is any character in existence that quite fits, so I would have to make my own. It would probably have a round hedgehog-ish body complete with prickles, adorable, wide, curious eyes, and a lovely set of wings. I think I shall name it Fledgehedge. :)

2. You have won Powerball! It won't make you fantabulously rich, but you'll be able to live reasonably comfortably for the rest of your life without working if you so choose. Do you work? Doing what, if so?

I think I would be bored to tears if I quit working permanently. I think I would like to be some sort of consultant for businesses that cater to children and schools. I could advise on curricula, product lines, activity offerings, etc. I'd also love to do some work with child oriented charities, such as the Make A Wish Foundation. That sort of freelance work would enable me to keep contributing, stay busy, but still have the freedom to travel, hang out with family and friends, etc.

3. Tell me about your favorite Saturday morning or weekday afternoon cartoon. Either from the present or from your childhood.

I still think that Tiny Toon Adventures and Darkwing Dark are the most brilliant cartoons ever made. Both had many hysterical moments that only an adult would get, but often managed to be accessible to kids as well. Some moments from TTA especially have become a permanent part of my vocabulary and individual culture.

4. Explain "middle child" to a twin?

Ooh, that's a good one! Being a middle child means that you are neither the first nor last to reach the major milestones of childhood and adolescence. While the parents make inexperienced mistakes with the oldest child and have often given up and become much more lax by the youngest, the middle child gets the full complement of parental discipline and expectation. The middle child is expected (or may just think she is expected) to live up to all the best characteristics of the older child(ren), make up for the worst, and be a role model for the younger one(s).

5. What's the most rewarding experience you've had while being a nanny?

There are tons of little moments that are special, and the broader, generalized experiences of being loved by three beautiful children and helping them to grow, learn, and discover themselves. But possibly the most rewarding single experience was when M made a calendar at school that featured her family and I was included. It was very touching to see that I rank right up there with her parents and siblings.

today's project:enjoying the weather

Did you know? Merino sheep have brown wool

consecutive workout days: 1

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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