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May 05, 2004 - 8:46 a.m.

Thank Goodness For Good Friends

One thing that the breakup with Sam has made absolutely clear is that my friends and family are wonderful. The support I have gotten from them means a lot to mean, especially now when it would be all too easy to feel lonely and unloved. Instead, I have been reminded several times a day that people care about me. I think I have gotten more phone calls in the past 5 days than in the past five weeks put together! I've been offered ears to talk to, girls nights out, and even got an ice cream gift certificate so I can replace my one man with two, Ben and Jerry. As if I needed another excuse to drown my sorrows in ice cream! I haven't taken advantage of most of the offers - there's not much to talk about after all, and there are only a handful of people in my life I feel comfortable enough with to cry around - but just knowing everyone is there and willing to help in any way they can helps a lot.

This weekend I am coming out of hiding and hosting an afternoon of bowling and evening of games with my brother. I am feeling up to being social again, and the low key fun should cheer me up. It will also keep me occupied and keep my mind out of moping mode. There's no point in letting this mess up my life more than I have to. Why waste my time mourning the loss of someone who doesn't appreciate me. It won't be easy, but I need to focus on directing my energy elsewhere. Unfotunately, for now, I still really care about him, which means I still miss him, worry about him, wonder what he's up to.

On the bright side, NCV performed in a concert last night, and it went very well. The music is really starting to come together, and I think we are starting to gel as a group. It was really nice, after all of our hard work, to get up on a stage and hear it all come together. We still have a lot of work to do on a couple of the hardest pieces in our rep. One is a piece we are performing in Choralfest in just over a week! Yikes. I have no idea whether that one will come together as well as the piece we performed last night, but I remain hopeful. We're singing in another concert on Friday, and I feel pretty comfortable with the songs on the program, so that one should just be fun. And I am pretty happy to be busy right now.

today's project: must go to the jeweler and get the charm put on my new bracelet.

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2004-05-06 08:52:30
Speaking of phone calls, did you get my message? I hadn't heard from you so I worried. Call me sometime soon, would you? :)

flutter back - fly ahead

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