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April 11, 2004 - 12:01 p.m.

Great Weekend Shaping Up

Yesterday was a fantastic day! So much so that I was pretty much smiling all day long. I needed it, though, since I haven't been sleeping well this week, and that has left me rather cranky.

The first wonderful part of the day was the weather. It was gloriously sunny and in the 60's. A perfect day for rollerblading, so I followed through with that plan with some trepidation. After my lack of skills last time, I was worried that this outing would turn out to be a literal crash course. I went prepared, though - wearing wrist guards, knee pads, and helmet. Hey, I'd rather look silly than end up sporting some nasty scrapes or a concussion! With all my gear on, I set off on the bike path.

My fears were not realized, however. In fact, I did well enough to keep skating for about an hour. I never fell, and only had to implement my rudimentary stopping by intentionally bumping into a stationary object technique once! By the end of my time I had even figured out how to slow down a little, which increased my confidence a lot. I also felt steadier and more graceful on my blades in general. Another rollerblader on the path stopped me to offer a pointer, but I actually didn't mind. Sure it made it clear that it was obvious I am a beginner, but I clearly I was doing well enough that he didn't consider me a lost cause. :) His tip helped a lot and was very well timed. I was just a bit into my return trip which, as it turned out, was into the wind and slightly uphill most of the time. He showed me how to make longer, more powerful strides with my knees bent rather than expending much more effor for less effect with the shorter steps I had been using. If we hadn't crossed paths, there's no telling how long it would've taken me to fight the wind and slope back to the parking lot!

All in all, I had a great time being out in the sun, watching all the other people on the path, ogling the scenery, and getting some exercize. I think I am officially hooked. :) After blading, I returned to my car, took off all that protective gear, which had chafed in a number of places, and walked to Bertucci's for lunch on their patio. While I ate, I read a couple more stories in Interpreter of Maladies, which is a great book so far, though as yet none of the stories has had a cheerful ending.

Last night I went to a great birthday party. We played games, including one called Ninja Burger which I do not have time to explain but was really funny, talked, laughed, and ate way too much from the impressive dessert spread made by the birthday girl herself. It was a fun evening.

Once I returned home after midnight, I decided to see if I could get last minute tickets to today's Red Sox game, and succeeded. So, like last year, I will be spending Easter Sunday at Fenway Park with my big brother. A new tradition perhaps? :) Hopefully the game will be as fun as last year's.

Gotta run, or I will be late.

today's project: Go Sox!

Did you know? Austrians consume more than 22 pounds of chocolate per capita a year!

consecutive workout days: 6 if I count rollerblading yesterday. Wow!

Twitter away!

NJ - 2004-04-12 10:22:37
Hey!! Mike and I were at the game yesterday too!!! WAsn't it a great one??

flutter back - fly ahead

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