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April 20, 2003 - 9:46 a.m.

Even Worse

I'll spare you all the details, but I am feeling even worse today. I was hoping that a good night's sleep would cure all, but no such luck. I am in the process of attempting to medicate myself such that I don't feel the need to stay in bed all day consuming nothing but liquids and popsicles.

I gave up on going to church, figuring that God would forgive me even on Easter Sunday. I don't think I would get much out of it in my state, anyway.

However, I now have two tickets to today's Red Sox game which I would hate to go to waste! One may go to waste anyway, since I have yet to find someone who doesn't already have plans for the afternoon who can use it. It's still early, though. And I have no qualms really about going by myself, especially since I wouldn't be the best companion. "Could you go get me another $7 soda and one of those Italian ice things? Thanks." Hopefully by then I will have figured out the proper combination of sudafed and ibuprofen to allow me to swallow without grimacing in pain. The weather is supposed to be lovely, so I really want to be able to enjoy the game. It is possible it will be the only one I get to go to this year, so I refuse to miss the opportunity.

If I am not better by tomorrow I will have more serious problems. The kids have April vacation this week, so I get to entertain, occupy, and supervise them for 11 and a half hours a day. Not easy when one is ill. And since it is possible I have strep throat if this doesn't get better, I really ought to visit the doctor, and I can't really do that with three kids in tow. Well, I suppose I shouldn't worry about crossing that bridge until I come to it, huh?

today's project: taking lots of OTC medicine, yippee

musing about: since when does the Easter Bunny bring illnesses?

Twitter away!

JOJO - 2003-04-20 20:53:57
OH HONEY!! I am so sorry to hear that you are sick. It sucks! If I were in MA I would be on my way over with come chicken soup!!!!

flutter back - fly ahead

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