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April 21, 2003 - 9:49 a.m.

Sick Day

Well, first the big news. I am taking a sick day! I went upstairs last night to get some ice cream to make a milkshake hoping that would soothe my throat. S was there and asked how I was doing and whether I thought I would be up for working tomorrow (which is now today, of course). I was kind of noncommital, since, being an optomist, I was hoping I would get better, and when the medicine actually helps I feel okay. Anyway, she talked to R and determined that he could take the day off today, which got me off the hook. Good thing too, since I did not get a good night's sleep last night. I was in enough pain that I kept waking up every hour or two. So, even though I was in bed for more than 12 hours, I don't feel very rested. Ugh.

I have a doctor's appointment this morning. I fear I may have strep throat, though S thinks I just have the same illness that made the rounds of the family a couple of weeks ago. We'll see. I am hoping that the doctor will at least be able to prescribe or recommend a better/stronger pain reliever. This is day three of having a severe sore throat ("sore" really is an inadequate descriptor) and I have had enough! Over the counter ibuprofen doesn't seem to be helping much anymore.

Luckily, I did manage to get to the game yesterday. After a couple of days spent mostly on my couch, it was nice to get out into the lovely sunshine for a couple of hours. The Red Sox were playing the Toronto Blue Jays. For the first several innings, I wondered why I had bothered to go. After five innings we were behind 5-0. But then Toronto's pitcher started to get tired, and we scored twice in the 6th inning. In the 7th, we scored three more runs, including a home run. Tie game! Needless to say, after the early disappointing innings, the crowd was thrilled to see such signs of life from our team! It stayed tied in the 8th, and the Blue Jays were not able to score in the 9th. The famous Nomar Garciaparra was the first batter up for the Sox in the bottom of the 9th. he took a couple pitches and then hit a gorgeous walk off home run to win the game for us 6-5! What a game!

I am glad that I went, but I was exhausted by the time I got home at about 6:30.

today's project:getting healthy

musing about: how to keep myself from being bored AND sick

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2003-04-21 11:43:19
Sorry you're sick! *hugs*, drink lots of tea, and call me if you want.

flutter back - fly ahead

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