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April 22, 2003 - 8:57 a.m.

Just As I Suspected

So, the doctor did a throat culture, and I do indeed have strep. Actually, that's a relief because now I have meds and know that I will get better soon. Plus, something that actually requires antibiotics relieves me of the twinge of guilt I was feeling for taking the day off. She also gave the go ahead to take more ibuprofen than I had been (yeah, I am a slave to the warnings on the bottle), so the combination of my first three doses of antibiotics and the upped ibuprofen have me feeling much better. I actually slept through the night pretty much, which helped a ton.

So, I am back at work today, and trying to figure out what to do with the kids on this gross, rainy day. I think we will make the trek to this huge indoor playspace that I have heard a lot about. It has tubes and tunnels and slides for the kids to climb around on, an indoor mini-golf course, themed play areas (like a fire house and puppet theater), and a snack bar where we could get lunch. It'll be crowded most likely, but it sounds like a good place to keep the kids occupied when I am not feeling 100%. All I have to do is supervise. I'd say that's worth the $8 cost of admission. :)

Well, I need to go put in a load of the kids' laundry and get them to get dressed if I intend to get them out of the house today.

today's project: keeping the kids maximally entertained with a minimum of effort

musing about: why the weather had to turn crappy just as I am feeling better

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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