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April 19, 2003 - 11:43 a.m.


I feel really gross today. When I first woke up aroun 5:30AM, I thought maybe I was slightly hungover, even though I didn't drink all that much last night. So, I drank a bunch of water and went back to sleep. When I fully awoke again just before 8AM (and wasn't able to get back to sleep) I realized that my headache was from sinus pressure and remembered that I had felt the beginnings of a sore throat coming on which had worsened overnight. Yuck. So I think it's actually either a cold or an allergy flare up. Why do I always get sick on weekends? I have never taken a sick day since I have worked for the family in almost two years. I've been able to work through the colds I have had, and the few more serious things I have gotten have been worst on the weekends.

Last night's party was a lot of fun. It was a pretty small shindig, about ten people, and I knew about half of them. It was a really eclectic group with nannies, a law student, a ballet teacher, and a couple of corporate types. We hung out, had dinner, and played a fun and simple gambling dice game called Center Cut. It required no strategy so I cannot take credit for winning, but I came out a couple of dollars ahead (you only use $3 a game) for the night. Not too shabby, since I figured I wouldn't return home with the $13 I had brought for the game. :)

Today I am going to visit my old housemates and hang out for a bit. If I can drag myself out of the house sooner, I might do a bit of shopping beforehand. I plan to be back home in time to watch Iron Chef this evening. Tomorrow, depending on how I am feeling, I plan to go to church and then head in to Boston Common and the Public Gardens with some stale bread to feed the ducks and geese. The weather is supposed to be nice, so that should be a pleasant, quiet way to spend Easter Sunday.

today's project: maybe soaking in the hot tub at the old house

musing about: are you supposed to feed or starve a cold?

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2003-04-19 14:05:47
Feed a cold, starve a fever. and go fill out the quiz in my LJ! :) Hope you have a good day. :)

flutter back - fly ahead

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