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April 01, 2004 - 8:07 p.m.

What's in a Name?

1. What is your middle name?


2. If you had been born the other sex, did your parents tell you what your name would have been?

They've probably told me, but I don't remember. Mom, if you read this, leave the answer in comments!

3. Do you have children and if so, what are their names?


4. If you were to ever have a child or more children, what would you name them?

Who knows, but I like names that are not too common, but are easy to spell, like Grace, Emma, Colin, and Will.

5. Most people know their mother's maiden name, but do you know your grandmother's maiden name?

My mom's maiden name is Kraft. I don't know if I ever knew my maternal grandmother's, and I can't remember my paternal grandma's.

6. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?

According to my mom I did. Being the good little Catholic girl I was, her name was Mary.

7. What was the name of your first pet?

Hmm, I guess that would be Brandy, our St. Bernard. The first pet I considered mine, rather than the family's, was a cat I named Sabrina.

9. What was the name of the first person you ever kissed?

Other than family members, Tim Koester.

10. What was the name of the school you attended as a child?

I don't remember the name of the Catholic school I attended for 1st and 2nd grades. For 3rd, 5th, and 6th I went to Dade County Elementary. 4th grade was a lone, blissful year at The Bright School.

11. What was/is the name of your English teacher in high school?

7th grade: Mrs. Speakman 8th: Mrs. Ratliff 9th: Mrs. Chambliss 10th: Mrs. Good 11th: Dr. Peters 12th: Mrs. Ward (Answers copied from Bafley. I probably would only have remembered half those names.)

12. Do you name your vehicles? What are the name(s)?

Yes. My first car was an ancient, rusty Honda Accord with quirky electrical systems, so I named it Lear. I call the car I currently drive, which belongs to my employers, Popeye. It's spinachy green and has a strong SUV engine.

The kids and I came up with a couple of cute little April Fool's pranks today. We put a huge bandaid on B's leg and had him limp over to his mom and ask if she wanted to see his booboo. M came up with the idea of putting Cheerios in a Cheezits box and offering them to her mom. Little things, but they made us all laugh.

Now that March is over, I guess I can refer to the torrential rains we've been getting as April showers.

Since I've been so diligent at the gym lately, I decided today that I deserve a reward. As I left the gym, the doorway to the health center, where you can get acupuncture, chiropractic care, and massages, caught my eye. I figured a massage would be a perfect reward, so I scheduled one for tomorrow. I can't wait! Hopefully the therapist will be able to work out the kinks caused by B's power trips, H's bossiness, R's lateness, M's indecisiveness, etc. :)

Twitter away!

db - 2004-04-01 23:15:42
The Catholic school was St. Clare; the associated church has a web site (http://www.archstl.org/parishes/358.shtml). It looks so much smaller now ... I remember feeling jealous the year you went to Bright--despite going to a fancy school myself--then guilty when you couldn't go the next two years. (Still do, I guess, and about James' schooling as well.) Tim was your first? Oh, gosh.

flutter back - fly ahead

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