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March 25, 2004 - 7:58 p.m.

Seven Feet Under

Sometimes living in the basement really sucks. Usually when one is trying to watch a Law and Order rerun and three children are stomping at a full run around the kitchen right above one's head. The kids are all skinny, but they sound like a herd of buffalo!

No one should be allowed to mess with my Law and Order. I love that show. Sarah Vowell quotes the opening lines in The Partly Cloudy Patriot, which I just finished reading, and I got a geeky thrill from that. The show has always had solid acting, gripping plots, and ethical questions that really make you think. And it has been on for so long, that I can watch the reruns 2 or three times a week and still see episodes that are new to me much of the time.

I think tomorrow I am going to make some homemade Chinese dumplings. A Taiwanese friend in college taught me how to make them, but I haven't done it in a long time. The last time I tried using ground turkey instead of ground pork, which turned out to be a bad idea... Even with lots of ginger, scallions, etc they were bland, but the worst part was how dry they were. Hopefully with pork on hand, these will turn out better. :)

The kids, barring the stampede above, continue to be unusually well behaved. I'm not sure what to make of that, but I don't really feel the need to look that particular gift horse in the mouth. Nonetheless, it's been a long, busy week, so I am glad the weekend is almost here, and that I get to sleep in tomorrow.

Yesterday, I was talking to B and happened to use the word intriguing. After asking what it meant, he said, "Why can't you use normal words?" Cheeky kid!

today's project: a trip to the library with B

Did you know? you can get pumpkin butter (not a dairy product - it's akin to apple butter) at Trader Joe's,

consecutive workout days: 3

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