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March 27, 2004 - 2:19 p.m.

Spring Has Sprung

Two days of weather in the 60's. Such bliss! I've already almost forgotten how miserable the winter was. The human mind, or maybe just mine, has an incredible capacity to move on from the bad and embrace the good. In this case the bad is quite trivial, but I think the concept holds true.

Anyway, it was so nice outside yesterday that after taking care of B for a while (more on that in a bit), I decided I wanted to be outside. I needed a workout, though, so I got out my rollerblades and found a place in town with a small parking lot and a relatively level sidewalk. I discovered that I am pitiful on rollerblades. On absolutely level ground I am fine. I expected to have problems with cracks in the sidewalk or bits of gravel or things like that. No, in fact, my issues turned out to be with stopping and the slightest declines. My blades have a little heel brake, but it seemed utterly useless. It barely slowed me down at all. So I had to resort to either coasting to a stop or the less dignified running off the path into the grass. And the hills... As I said, this was a relatively level stretch of sidewalk, but it didn't matter. I suspect the grade was in the vicinity of 5-10 degrees at it's steepest, but going downhill was still pretty scary. It's amazing how much speed on picks up even on the smallest slope. Combine that with the fact that I was aware of my complete inability to safely bring myself to a stop, and you get a very nervous Little Bird. To extend the analogy, this Little Bird can fly, she just can't land! I know there's got to be a way, but I need someone to teach me.

Still, I had a good time being out in the sun, and I got some exercize. My heart rate was definitely elevated, though I am unsure whether that was more from exertion or fear. :)

To make up for my sketchy workout yeasterday, I worked really hard at the gym. I ran/walked for 15 minutes on the treadmill, did a weight circuit, and got back on the treadmill for another 15 minutes. What really surprised me is that I spent most of the time on the treadmill running - I'd say at least 22 of the 30 total minutes. Better yet, I was mostly running between 6 and 7mph, which is pretty speedy for a pipsqueak like me. I worked hard lifting, too, so I feel like I accomplished a lot. I am hating the scale a lot right now, though. Despite feeling like I am in pretty good shape, it just isn't budging. I am quite a few pounds heavier than I was 18 months ago even though I have been eating way more fruits and veggies, trying to control my portion sizes, substituting whole grains for refined ones, and cutting way back on things like cheese, ice cream, and cookies. Grrr. I'm at a frustrating point right now. I think if I keep working hard and eating out less on the weekends, I will soon break out of this rut, but it's getting hard to stay motivated without seeing results from the scale OR the mirror. Maybe with the advent of the warmer weather the kids and I will be outside more, and I will be more active. Anyway, enough griping.

This afternoon I am wearing a cute, flirty little skirt I bought a few weeks ago that hides those pounds I am trying to shed. I think I am going to do a little shopping, mostly for things like shampoo but I'll also be on the lookout for cute scarves, since I discovered recently that I like them as headbands and also as belts with jeans or khakis. I am all about making a cute fashion statement at minimal cost. :)

This evening I intend to watch a movie, though I haven't decided whether to see one in the theater or just rent something. I don't even know what's playing right now other than Scooby Doo, which I am SO not interested in seeing.

I have yet another crazy B story to share. Yesterday, I watched him while his mom volunteered in M's class. When she got home, he transformed from a happy go lucky little boy into a clingy, needy, attention hog. First he got mad at us because we both told him to stop putting a ball he'd found in the garage in his mouth. A few seconds later, while his mom and I were, gasp, having a conversation that didn't include him, he managed to bump his head on the counter. We both immediately turned our attention to him, of course, and without missing a beat he starts crying and melodramatically declares, "I wanted that to happen so you'd pay attention to ME for a change!" Wow, you have to give the kid credit for thinking fast, but his need for attention is getting out of hand.

today's project: I spent almost an hour and a half at the gym.

Did you know? I've been craving macaroni and cheese.

consecutive workout days: 5, which means I am taking tomorrow off!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005