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March 10, 2004 - 7:25 p.m.

Me, In Alphabetical Order

From Suburban Island.

A - Age: 28

B - Boyfriend: Sam, who I get to go see next weekend.

C - Chore you hate: dusting

D - Dad's name & occupation: Mark, dealer of used and rare books

E - Essential everyday item(s): diet coke, allergy meds, a book, snacks, fresh air

F - Favorite actor/actress: Kiera Knightley, Julianne Moore, Russell Crowe, Ben Chaplin

G - Gold or silver: silver or white gold

H - Hometown: Chattanooga, TN

I - Instruments you play: none, but I still want to take cello lessons someday

J - Job: nanny

K - Kids: none, thank goodness - it's nice to go home to peace and quiet at night - but I hope to have them someday

L - Living arrangements: large room and 3/4 bath in the basement of my employers' house

M - Mother's name and occupation: Patti, caterer

N - Name and who are you named after: Kristen, though I prefer Kris. I was named after my godmother after my Dad rejected Danielle and Nicole.

O - Overnight hospital stays: one when I was about 13. An overzealous doctor thought I wasn't growing enough - turned out to be my genes.

P - Phobia: none

Q - Quote Scripture you like: not sure, I haven't been reading much Scripture lately

R - Ride you have: I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee, but it's not actually mine, it belongs to my employers. I actually dislike SUVs

S - Shows/Soaps you like: Any home improvement or makeover show on TLC, Discovery, or BBCAmerica, The West Wing, Law and Order, Firefly, American Idol

T - Time you wake up: 6:30AM

U - Unique habit: I don't think my habits are all that unique. I like to throw unusual parties, though - Easter egg dyeing, pumpkin carving, photo scavenger hunt, etc.

V - Vegetable(s)/Fruit(s) you refuse to eat: mushrooms

W - Worst habit: caring too much what others think

X - X-rays you've had: right foot and left wrist, I think

Y - Yummy food you make: caramel apple cheesecake, risotto, black bean quesadillas, hazelnut crusted chicken

Z - Zodiac Sign: Libra on the cusp with Virgo

B's serenade today was about sandwiches. The last bit went "Ring, ring, ring went my sandwich" to the tume of the Trolley Song from Meet Me In St. Louis. I had no idea he remembered it, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Luckily he was happy to amuse me rather than being offended by my mirth.

H played the recorder with the rest of the third graders in a school assembly today. When I was in fourth grade we played Sakura on our recorders for the sixth grade graduation ceremony. H is the same age now as I was in fourth grade and wears a size 8, while I wore a size 6. I was such a puny kid! Sadly, I have retained my small stature, though I am not nearly as thin as I was then.

today's project:convincing B to go to school, eventually bribed him with promise of a video after school

Did you know? I binged on GS cookies last night, but I have been good today.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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