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March 09, 2004 - 7:54 p.m.

The Silver Lining

I am certainly not happy to have snow back on the ground, but I have to admit it is really pretty. This morning we had a few more flurries, and while I was with the girls at the bus stop, we had a great time looking at the perfect, big flakes that landed on our coats. They were so pristine that you could see all the spokes radiating out from the center, and even some of the crystals on the spokes. Snowflakes really are amazing. Their tiny, symmetrical, unique beauty is really a marvel to me, and it was fun to share that wonder with the kids. I think that sense of wonder is one reason I love working with kids. So many adults have lost their awe of the world. The world doesn't get any less amazing as we get older, we just get jaded, we begin to take it for granted. The beauty of nature, the joy of a new discovery, and the desire to explore the world around me still sometimes take my breath away. Kids understand and share that, while most adults think I am a little bit nuts. That sense of wonder makes my life more exciting and happier, though, so the grownups can think what they want. :)

B has claimed the area under the dining room table as his "secret laboratory". So far the only thing he has concocted there is a crazy song about macaroni and cheese. I think it's mostly a little place that he can have all to himself and where he can hide his toys so he doesn't have to clean them up. It goes to show you, though, how little it sometimes takes to amuse a child.

American Idol is on, so I am going to devote my attention to seeing who gets a chance at the wild card slots. So far, this season of AI hasn't been too inspiring. There are several singers who are really good, but as yet no one has captured my attention enough to make me a fan. Then again, I am not sure I really had any favorites at this stage of the game last year. It will be interesting to see who's in the final 12, and how those folks develop over the weeks of the competition. Unlike last year, there were some people who got voted into the final 12 over, I think, more deserving voices. Last year I felt that America, as respresented by those who call in AI votes, was on the same page with me, but this year I'm not sure that's the case.

today's project: mosaic pcitures (using little scraps of paper)

Did you know? they're predicting a Nor'easter here for Wed night.

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flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005