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March 08, 2004 - 7:47 p.m.

It's Back!

Winter, that is. It snowed today. We were supposed to barely get a dusting, but we ended up with a couple of inches. Nothing serious, and it only accumulated on the grass. It was still a little sad to see the unseasonably warm weather pass. It's supposed to warm up again later in the week, but I don't know if it'll be near 60 again for a while.

I got my Girl Scout cookies today... Mmmm... Samoas and Thin Mints... Sorry, I just can't bring myself to call them Caramel Delites. Actually, from this article, it appears that in some areas, Samoas (along with Tagalongs) have kept their name. How come we have to settle for the uninspiring, though more descriptive, Caramel Delites and Peanut Butter Patties, but in California they get good old Samoas and Tagalongs? Oooh! I just found a site that explains the reason behind the different names. Hooray for Google! That informative little page also has a link for arecipe for homemade Samoas. That I have to try! I bet they're time consuming, but it would beat $4 a box. And think how popular you'd be if you made them in the fall when everyone has eaten even the extra boxes of cookies they put in the freezer and next year's visit from your local girl in a beanie is still months away! Do any Girl Scouts still wear beanies? M is a Brownie this year, and all she has to wear is a vest. When I was a kid, we had the full uniform with special socks and beanie or beret.

Thankfully, with the influx of cookies into my life, I made it to the gym today. Sadly, I also realized that I am not in the greatest shape. Working out of the elliptical machine was harder than it's been in a long time. I guess that's what happens when you take almost three weeks off, huh? I've worked out three times since Thursday, though, so I think I am back on the wagon. I hope to just hold my ground until the cookies are gone, then regain some muscle, hopefully lose a couple pounds, and get some of my endurance back. If all goes well, I will not have to hide under a cover up when I take the kids to the pool this summer.

It's time to go watch my latest home improvement obsession: Monster House. That show is crazy! The finished products are always so over the top, that I can't really imagine what kind of person it takes to want to be part of the show, but I can't stop watching it. The crews do incredible work in an astonishingly short time - especially if you've ever had your home remodeled; Monster House speed is like light speed compared to a typical construction job. I also enjoy the sense of humor of the show, and the host is great. So far, my favorite episode is the Jurassic House. That one I might actually consider living in. Gotta go, they're cutting a gigantic skylight in someone's ceiling. :)

today's project: organizing the overflowing playroom

Did you know? a group of larks is called an exaltation

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005