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March 12, 2004 - 7:34 p.m.

A Good Day For A Good Book

Today's weather has been really odd. This morning it was around 40 degrees out and rainy. Around lunchtime, when I left to go to the gym, the sun came out briefly, though a few snowflakes were beginning to appear. By the time I left the gym, there was a coating of snow on the ground and cars, and within an hour of that an inch or so had accumulated. I took a nap, and when I woke up it was sunny again. Crazy.

I don't care too much about the weather, though, since I am happy to stay home and read. I started The DaVinci Code yesterday, and I am about three quarters of the way through it. It is the most riveting book I have read in a long, long time. It is suspenseful and smart. The plot line is full of twists and turns and is extremely gripping. At the same time, it is full of historical details and philosophical questions. If I could put it down long enough to think about anything but the narrative, I'd have plenty to wonder about. I highly, highly recommend the book, and I haven't even finished it! Just make sure you pick it up when you have plenty of free time, because it is so hard to stop once you start. I stayed up late with it last night, which is why I needed the nap this afternoon, and cajoled myself into going to the gym despite my sore muscles with the carrot of being able to read while I rode an exercize bike. :)

The amusing thing about the book is how many people see me with it and comment on it. It was leant to me by the mom of one of B's classmates. When she gave it to me at the school yesterday, two other parents saw it and commented on what a good book it is. Today at the gym a woman told me she had just read it and loved it. It's quite the phenomenon apparently. So, if you haven't read it, buy it, check it out, or borrow it - judging from my experiences, you shouldn't have any trouble finding someone to borrow it from! If you've already read it, I hear that Angels and Demons by the same author, Dan Brown, is also really good.

today's project:me time

Did you know? President Mitterand specifically ordered the Louvre's entrance pyramid to be made of exactly 666

Consecutive days of workouts: 5 (go me!)

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