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March 05, 2004 - 12:05 p.m.

Photos Finally, Fitness, and Fatigue

It only took me two weeks, but I finally uploaded, edited, and captioned all the pictures from San Diego. Click to enjoy, but be forwarned, there are more than 200 pictures there. I guess my excuse is that San Diego is a very photogenic city, especially for an animal lover!

Now that that project is finished, I have no excuse not to go to the gym. I am actually headed there soon, to take advantage of the fact that my foot isn't hurting anymore. Yay!

I have been such a lump this week. I don't know what's been going on, since it hasn't been a stressful week, but I have been exhausted every night. Because I have been so tired, I have put off everything from putting away my laundry to cleaning Percy's cage (bad pet owner!). So this weekend I really need to get my tush in gear and make this place livable again.

Last night I sat down to do my taxes, but that plan was foiled. I have the 1040A form, but it turns out I can't use it this year. I have to report the value of the cruise I won last spring as miscellaneous income, which requires a form 1040. Ugh. So, one of my errands today is to go to the library and pick up the right form.

Since I have so many things to accomplish today, I should stop web surfing, get off the couch, and get going!

today's project: errands and chores

musing about: how out of shape I am

Did you know? Tickling is a part of chimp culture, and chimps who can sign will have conversations about tickling.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005