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March 02, 2004 - 8:49 p.m.

The Weather Holds

Today was another gorgeous day. I tell you, this weather is insidious. Even the most hardened New Englanders are beginning to speculate that maybe, just maybe, spring has arrived early. Not likely, though.

I actually made it back to the gym today. It's been two weeks since I set foot in the place, so it felt good. I know I keep saying this, but I really would like to shed a few pounds. Now I just need to work on being consistent and staying away from ice cream and cookies - not easy since it is girl scout cookie time...

I had a horrible nightmare last night. I dreamed that a friend found me and told me that Sam had killed himself. Twisted, huh? I remember being in denial about the whole thing, and eventually discovered it wasn't true. The friend who'd delivered the news had read a news article about a student at his school commiting suicide, but it was a female student, and the article said so. So, it turned out to not be true, but it was an awful dream nonetheless. Ick. I love my sleep, and I hate it when my rest is disturbed by a nightmare. Luckily it doesn't happen often.

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Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
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