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March 01, 2004 - 9:19 a.m.

Giving In

The weather continues to be gorgeous, and all the warm sun has completely melted my resolve to avoid falling into the trap of false spring. I know that the trees and flowers will probably start to bud and grow, only to be stunted by another frost. I know the cold, when it returns, will only feel that much more frigid after this reprieve. But this weekend, I just couldn't bring myself to care. The air smelled too sweet and alive. The sun, so feeble just a week or two ago, felt too good on my face. The temperature almost made it to 60 degrees yesterday! I'll deal with winter when it returns, but for now I am going to enjoy this. This warm spell is even supposed to last through the week. Yippee! A trip to the playground is planned for this afternoon. :)

Yesterday I wanted to get out and enjoy the balmy air, so I decided to visit the little local zoo. The Franklin Park Zoo is probably best know for the escape of a gorilla who injured a toddler a few months ago, but it has also gotten good press for having some success in treating Beau, a giraffe who has an illness that has previously always been fatal. The gorilla who escaped is no longer on exhibit, and the giraffes won't be out until it's really spring, but it was a nice way to spend the afternoon - especially since my membership at the zoo in Providence gets me in free.

I watched the Oscars last night after NCV rehearsal, and I was amazed and impressed by LotR's absolute domination of the event. I was very pleased that Peter Jackson won for director and that the film got best picture as well. The trilogy was so well done, so beautifully made, so epic, that it certainly deserved that ultimate honor. At the same time, though, in some categories many excellent films suffered from the misfortune of competing against the final installment. Girl With A Pearl Earring, for example, I think would have won for art direction hands down if LotR hadn't been in the running. The way that film captured the composition, lighting, and mood of Vermeer's work was astonishing. I am not saying that LotR should not have won. The art direction in all three parts, but especially RotK, was, literally, stunning, and successfully creating so much of Middle Earth was a mind-boggling accomplishment. It's just a shame that some very deserving films were nominated this year, against impossible competition, and some years there are few standout nominees. Ah well, I suppose the lack of an Oscar takes nothing away from the achievements of those films.

Of course, we all know that the Academy Awards are as much about fashion these days as movies. So, let me just say that I disliked Scarlet Johannsen's platinum hair; Charlize Theron looked great, except for her eye makeup; Jennifer Garner, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts and Renee Zellweger all looked stunning; Johnny Depp cleans up really well; Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan are actually pretty cute; and I actually liked Diane Keaton's Buster Keaton outfit. It was weird, though, hardly any of the women were wearing color, which may be why Jennifer Garner was particularly striking in her orange gown. I don't think I would have pegged her as one of those rare women who can actually look good in orange, but she looked great. The speeches were, for the most part, short and uninspired, and Billy Crystal had a few funny moments, though the crowd seemed unamused.

Time to go get some more San Diego photos uploaded and titled, so I can actually share them before my next vacation.

today's project: enjoying March's lamb-like entrance

musing about: does this mean March will go out like a lion?

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