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February 06, 2004 - 5:31 p.m.

It's Not My Day

The theme of the day is pain. I actually got out of bed at a decent hour today to go to a step aerobics class at the gym. All was going well until I turned my ankle a bit. I walked it off and thought I was fine (I have ridiculously resilient ankles). I was even able to finish the class without feeling any pain. Now, however, it's a little sore. Nothing serious, but still annoying.

I also have a headache, which is probably related to the runny nose I have all day. Not sure yet whether it's a cold or allergies.

On top of all that, as I was coming down the stairs earlier, I slipped and fell. Ironically, I think it was my fuzzy blue slippers that caused my feet to go out from under me. I bumped down the last few stairs on my butt and back leaving me with a couple of big, colorful bruises. Ouch. At lease no one witnessed my ungraceful moment.

With all those little annoyances to deal with, I have decided it's not worth my while to leave the house this evening. Karma is clearly not on my side today, which, I think, would make going out into the post-snow freezing rain that's been coming down all afternoon unwise. :) Instead, I intend to nurse my bumps and bruises on the couch, watch a movie, and maybe take another stab at Zoo Tycoon. And I might even do some web surfing for gift ideas. Dating Sam has the drawback of dealing with Valentine's Day and his birthday in just the span of a week. It certainly doesn't help that I am both a romantic and a perfectionist as well. :) I'm sure I will think of something.

today's project: not breaking my neck

musing about: why I am suddenly so accident prone

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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