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February 08, 2004 - 11:08 a.m.

Not Much To Say

It's been a pretty quiet weekend so far. I've done a little sleeping in, which has been lovely, some reading, TV watching, and shopping. Since it's going to be nice and warm when I am in San Diego (a week from today - yippee!), and since I am a few pounds heavier than I was last spring, I wanted to get a pair or two of capri pants or other warm weather casual wear. I only found one pair, but they are very cute. As often happens when I shop, I had much better luck finding things I don't precisely need than what I was looking for. At T. J. Maxx I got a lovely black satin trumpet skirt for $5 and a chocolate brown strapless dress for $15. Both are the type of thing I can never find when I am shopping for a specific occasion, and I figure I can wear the dress for weddings and such and both for nice dinners out so the minimal cost was justified. Right?

I managed to pass on the one item I really wanted, though. Also at T. J. Maxx they had the cutest, most comfy sandals I have ever tried on. They were Born shoes, which are extremely well made and quite expensive, and they came in about five colors. I coveted the bright pink ones. They also had a heel so they made me look taller, and could be worn with dresses, jeans, shorts, etc. But they were $40. I talked myself out of getting them since it's not entirely practical to spend $40 on shoes that I don't need, Now, though, I am thinking of going back and getting them. They are such a quality shoe that it's actually a bargain, and they should last for ages. In pink, they aren't as versatile as brown or black shoes, but they are way more fun. I think I would get enough wear out of them to get my money's worth. But I may just be making excuses. :)

Oh, I also did my nails last night. This is significant because I pretty much never paint my nails. They are so flimsy that they are rarely worth polishing, but I managed to grow them a bit before the wedding last week, since I knew we'd be getting manicures. Having them painted actually makes them less likely to peel, so in an effort to keep them looking decent, I am vowing to keep them polished, even if it's just clear. We'll see how well I keep up that plan. I have also mostly quit peeling the skin around my nails, which is a nasty habit of mine that usually leaves me with gross scabs on my fingertips. Hmm, maybe the pink sandals can be my reward for kicking that habit. :) Yeah, I am reaching here, folks. Think this is how it all started with Immelda Marcos?

today's project: going to a movie with my big bro

musing about: to buy or not to buy?

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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