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December 22, 2003 - 1:03 p.m.

It's Been A While

I have a variety of pictures to put up here at some point, but my internet connection isn't working in my room, and all the photos are on my computer down there. So, you will just have to wait to see my costumes for the show, the snobby, suburban, over the top Christmas lights, and the finally finished, woven ribbon placemats for the kids parents.

The show went remarkably well this weekend. There were a few glitches, such as the absence of a crucial telephone ring, but for the most part, the cast did a good job of pulling it all together. The audiences, primarily made up of proud parents and relatives of the kids in the cast, seemed happy with our performances. And I enjoyed scoffing at the less professional bits and random additions with the people who came to see me. I actually managed to enjoy myself during the performances, though was still aggravated by the rambunctious kids backstage. I am relieved it's all over now, though, and I will have some free time.

After yesterday's matinee performance, the kids, their folks and i all went out to dinner then drove to a local neighborhood renowned for its Christmas lights. I thought I had seen it all when it comes to Christmas lights, but these were different from any displays I had seen before. There were just as many lights as the gaudy displays I remember ogling as a child, and they covered just as much of the houses and yards. But these managed to be not at all tacky. It must have been largely due to the fact that the vast majority of the lights were white, thus greatly reducing the garishness factor, but there was also a notable amount of restrain when it came to light-up and animatronic figures. No roboticly swiveling carolers, no prancing reindeer, and a maximum of one jolly Santa per yard. It was just as impressive, but a whole lot easier on the eyes! As I mentioned above, I have pictures and will share as soon as I can. I was just amazed that out here in the wealthy 'burbs even ridiculous holiday displays are expected to remain within tasteful parameters.

Time to actually spend some quality time with B, since he happily played with legos literally all morning. The child seems to have sprouted independence and an attention span overnight!

today's project: gift exchange with the family of employ

musing about: how much the kids are going to like their presents

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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