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December 14, 2003 - 10:31 p.m.

Signs Of Life

Rehearsal today was a bit better. We may actually have a chance of entertaining our audiences this weekend. There were still plenty of frustrating moments (and a couple of cast members I could throttle), but the work ethic is improving. It was a very long day, though, and I am exhausted. Between all the singing and dancing and driving in the snow and slush, I feel like I could sleep for a day! No such luck, though.

If I am lucky, this latest snowstorm will abate soon, so the roads are clear by morning and the kids have school. If I have to work 11 hours a day this week and then go to rehearsal, I am going to be a miserable excuse for a human being by Thursday! Still, I think once we get into our costumes on on the actual stage, things will start to come together and the show will become fun.

One good part of today was being complimented for being on the ball. It's nice to know that the directors have noticed that I know my lines, pay attention, sing out, and all that. And, since another girl dropped out of the show, I was given a couple more solo lines - this time in one of the key songs of the show. :) So, I will get to show off a bit, even if the play as a whole isn't staggering.

today's project: much rehearsing and soon much sleeping

musing about: how glad I am that I don't have any shopping left to do!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005