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December 08, 2003 - 8:03 p.m.

Time Is Not On My Side

Oy, my legs hurt! I spent a significant portion of the day walking and running in snow that was often up to my knees. B and I went sledding with a few of his classmates in the afternoon, so I got to help haul the toboggan up the hill many times. I also had to help B himself up said hill towards the end as he was getting wiped out, but was unwilling to stop sledding altogether. After his sisters got home from school, they all played out in the front yard and did more sledding while I chased them around and threw snowballs at them. My legs feel like jello!

It was a fun day, though. I am glad I got out to enjoy the big snowfall a bit, especially since it may be gone by the end of the week after we get some rain. With the snow melting and the local streams already on the high side, I wouldn't be surprised it there are flooding issues when the rain comes.

I am hoping this week goes smoothly and is nice and relaxing. Next week is going to be crazy! B's last day of school before the Christmas vacation is Tuesday (meanwhile the girls are in school until the 23rd!), so I will actually be working the full 7-6:30 day the rest of that week. No gym, errand running, or last minute Xmas shopping for me. Plus, that will be tech week for Meet Me In St. Louis, so I will have rehearsal every single night, possibly running as late as midnight.

Return Of The King comes out next week as well. I'd love to see it pretty much as soon as it comes out, but that isn't going to happen with the play in the final stages. Hopefully I won't have to work on Friday so that I can both sleep in before opening night and possibly go see the movie.

I am starting to freak out a bit about everything I have on my plate right now. As I said, next week is going to be nuts. Then the weekend will be full of performances, cast parties, and such. I will be working the 22nd and 23rd then flying to home for Christmas that evening. Somewhere in there I have to find time to mail packages to a few people, clean my room from top to bottom since Sam will be visiting after Christmas, and make cookies to give to friends. I fear I may spend Christmas Eve catching up on sleep instead of hanging out with my family!

Okay, rather than worrying about how to get everything done, I am going to go try to cross some things off my to do list. Nearly all of my holiday shopping is complete, but I do still need to place a couple of online orders. If I can get those accomplished this evening, I will be in great shape as far as presents go. So, I am off!

today's project: snowy frolicking

musing about: how to survive on less sleep

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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