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December 07, 2003 - 11:07 a.m.

Welcome to the WInter Wonderland

It is still snowing! The snowfall began Friday night around 10PM, and it has just kept piling up since then. My boss, who is out with the snowblower again, said we've gotten at least two feet, and we're supposed to get 3-6 more inches today.

Today's rehearsal has been delayed until 2:30, so I have a little extra time to enjoy being housebound. I feel like going out for brunch or something, but I don't think the roads are clear enough to make it worthwhile to head out just for fun.

I ended up watching Phone Booth last night, and it was a very enjoyable movie. I enjoy that sort of psychological thriller. And I have to say, that between that movie and the TV show, 24, I think Kiefer Sutherland is a very good actor. In Phone Booth he has no tools other than his voice to convey malice, contempt, glee, and anger, but he manages to do so quite convincingly. He was very well cast.

I should probably go shower and find some warm clothes to wear today. Maybe I'll watch the kids playing in the snow and sledding down the hill in the front yard for a bit, too.

today's project: surviving yet more snow

musing about: the fact that I need warmer gloves

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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