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December 11, 2003 - 11:26 a.m.

Gobble, Gobble

Yesterday as I got home from taking the kids to school, I was greeted with some feathered friends on our street:

I parked the car and ran inside for my camera to have proof of my wild turkey encounter. The fowl seemed almost entirely unfazed by my approach. A couple scooted off, but most kept pecking away at the snow. What was really amazing, though, was that they were unconcerned about the approach of a car. The driver had to slow way down before they got out of the way. The minivan could have taken out half the flock if they had been so inclined. Now that would have been a Kodak moment!

I am very proud of myself this week, because I have been working out really hard at the gym and eating quite healthily as well. The last time I got on the scale gave me a bit of a jolt, so I decided I really need to be good before the holidays and hopefully after. I'd like to drop a few pounds and/or inches before I have to be a bridesmaid at the end of January.

It's almost time for me to go pick up B at school, so I have to go. Adieu!

today's project: haven't decided yet

musing about: when I will find time to mail gifts and clean my room

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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