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November 22, 2003 - 11:42 p.m.

One Big Step For Queerkind

I am going to break the mold of my usual highly personal journal entries, and comment on current events. Go figure!

The MA Supreme Judicial Court ruled last week in favor of several gay couples who were suing for the right to get married. Yes, folks, that basically means that the most important legal body in the state has paved the way for gay marriage. Granted, the ruling was far from unanimous (4-3 in fact), won't take effect until at least May, and political entities like the governor and members of the legislature are trying to find loopholes, but it is still a huge step.

My pleasure over the news surprised me a bit, I must admit. I am not gay, am fairly conservative and traditional in many ways, and am fairly religious, so one might not expect me to support gay marriage. However, I don't consider homosexuality immoral, especially as the evidence that sexual preference is an inborn trait is, to me, overwhelming. Also, allowing gay couples to marry will legitimize the parenthood of those people, which can only be a good thing. In addition, giving gay couples the opportunity to formalize their relationships may help to dispel the lingering stereotyping of homosexuals as promiscuous. So, I am psyched. And it was truly heart warming to read the stories in the paper of all the couples proposing to one another and making plans for ceremonies big and small.

In the midst of continuing problems in the Middle East, a roster of uninspiring Presidential candidates, and chaos in Georgia it is refreshing to have some good news for a change!

today's project: checking out the Two Towers DVD - ooh, ahh....

musing about: what the eventual fallout of the court's decision will be

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