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November 19, 2003 - 11:21 a.m.


I was in a store the other day and was greeted, or should I say accosted?, by the strains of Christmas music over the P.A. system. Ugh! I say this every year, but I HATE how early the stores feel the need to haul out the trappings of the holiday. I think part of the reason I dislike it so much, is that I actually love Christmas. Being inundated with carols, garland, and twinkling lights for almost two months before Christmas actually arrives only serves to anesthetize one to the beauty and fun of the season. It's usually overdone to begin with, and when it's done for too long, it's just aggravating.

I am trying to ignore the growing Christmas hype (except for starting to dog ear lots of catalog pages with possible gift items) and just look forward to Thanksgiving. I'll be driving down to Pennsylvania and meeting up with Sam to see some college friends. Sam and I are likely to be the only unmarried people at this gathering, which is unusual. I am looking forward to spending time with friends, having several days off from work, and doing lots of cooking and eating. Sadly, Sam and I both have to keep the visit quite short. He has to prepare for exams, and I have to be back here by noon on Saturday for the first actual rehearsal of Meet Me In St. Louis. That rehearsal begins the craziness of my life that will only end after the holidays. I'll have rehearsals every Saturday and Sunday on top of my usual commitments, and will somehow have to find time to shop for gifts and plan my trip home for the holidays. Oy! So, don't be surprised if I fall off the journaling wagon in the month of December!

I am hoping to spend some of my last free weekend working on a mix CD or two to use on my drive down for Thanksgiving. It's a long drive, and I will be alone, so I'll need something to pep it up.

today's project: playdates and Brownie meetings

musing about: pumpkin pie.... mmmm.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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