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November 24, 2003 - 3:19 p.m.


Not much to report from the weekend except that I got my haircut. This was no ordinary trim, either. I decided to do something a little different, so I had her cut it in a short, layered bob. It's kind of a Reese Witherspoon look, actually. It falls around chin length, and some of the layers come to just below my cheekbones. It is not quite what I was going for, but I really like it anyway. I think it makes me look older. Best of all, it looks good with minimal maintenance. It only takes me about 7 minutes to blow dry and style it, and it looks all bouncy and swingy. :) I tried to take some pictures yesterday, but, due to lighting issues and the difficulty of photographing myself, they didn't do it justice. Maybe if photos get taken at Thanksgiving I will post them.

I spent much of my weekend, as intended, working on driving mixes. One is a mix of all my favorite songs to just sing along with at the top of my lungs. It's called "Belting", and includes songs like Faith Hill's "Cry", Peter Gabriel's "Mercy Street", Dar Williams' "Iowa", and Dusty Springfield's "Son of a Preacher Man". Right now I cannot decide whether to take the time to organize the songs in some intentional fashion or just let iTunes randomize them and then burn the CD.

One of the other CDs I intend to make is a mix of very upbeat, peppy songs. I want to use it as a workout mix, something that will keep me going through the sweat and pain. I also think it might be good as an energy boost before a night out with friends - the kind of thing that gets you pumped for a night of dancing, singing, and general rowdiness.

I did get to see bits of the extended Two Towers DVD this weekend also, which was totally cool! We watched the short film on how the movie was designed, and it was mind blowing! It's unreal how much work went into deciding how the various creatures like orcs and ents would look as well as designing and building sets like Edoras and Helm's Deep. The workmanship, of course, is astonishingly beautiful. It must have been so awesome (in the literal sense) to work on those films!

today's project: making Thanksgiving folk (pilgrims, Native Americans, turkeys) out of old-fashioned clothespins

musing about: when the haircut honeymoon will end. :)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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