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October 24, 2003 - 10:31 p.m.


Stomp was phenomenal! I expected to enjoy the show, but I was actually blown away by it. It's amazing how music that is purely rhythmic can be so complex and interesting. I was also really surprised at how humorous the show was. While creating amazingly diverse sounds and rhythms the performers used body language and facial expressions to interact in very amusing ways, from trying to upstage one another to interacting with the audience.

The main thing that amazed me about the show was how varied it was. There were solo pieces and routines that were more like group jam sessions. The performers used "instruments" as unexpected as sinks full of water, lighters, and newspapers as well as the brooms, garbage can lids, and buckets I expected. Just when I thought I had seen it all, the next piece would feature something really out there like oil drum stilts. It was a 90 minute show that flew by and was entertaining and invigorating at all times.

Torie and I had a blast, and it was great to hang out with her a bit. I am so glad I suggested the tickets to my mom as a birthday gift. It was a fabulous night and one of the best birthday presents I have ever recieved. So, thanks Mom!

While we are on the subject of birthdays, tomorrow is H's birthday tie-dyeing party. I'm going to make an appearance there and then head into Boston for a friend's birthday party. I was quite busy socially last weekend, and the trend seems to be holding this weekend. And next weekend I have a Halloween housewarming and another get together on my calendar. This fall is proving to be quite busy for me, but I like it. It keeps me from sitting at home, watching TV, and missing Sam too much. :)

today's project: my first Friday visit to the gym in ages - go me!

musing about: what exactly does one wear to a party where 9 year-olds are going to be flinging around fabric dye?

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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