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October 17, 2003 - 2:08 p.m.

It's Only A Game...

...so why did I feel near to tears last night? The stinking Red Sox had to go and make me think they actually had a chance of making it to the World Series. And the kept up the suspense the whole night, right up to that walk off home run in the 11th inning. Ugh. It was eerily quiet in Boston last night.

I think much of my disappointment come from the fact that I won't be watching these guys play again until next spring. I've gotten so involved with this team that I will miss watching them play, joke around in the dugout, and come together as a team whether they win or lose. And I cannot imagine they'll have a chance as good as this one again next year. So, it's not just the loss of a trip to the Series. Last night's loss felt like the end of an era.

At least both sides played well. Noboday got robbed, and the Sox made the Yankees work for their win. There were some questionable managing decisions but no serious regrets. I watched the game with some friends and my brother, so there was plenty of moral support. It was a fun night, depsite the disappointing outcome.

At least now life can get back to normal without the huge distraction of baseball. :) The timing is pretty decent, since I'll be starting play rehearsals pretty soon as well as the role-playing campaign, and the choir I am in. It's going to be a busy fall, but I am excited about it.

today's project: not thinking about baseball

musing about: how many days until spring training?

Twitter away!

James - 2003-10-18 21:10:59
Kris, This response is dedicated to my older brother and sister, who, for no apparent reason, decided to move hundreds of miles away from friends and family and root for a cursed baseball team. Seriously, though, I was actually sort of reluctantly cheering on the Bosox until the goat finally caught up to the Cubbies and they choked. A Sox/Cubs series would've been intense. Don't blame me because your star pitcher is an ass. If it's any consolation, the sports team I am truly fanatical about (the New Orleans Saints), is taking underachieving to a whole new level, and making me dread Sunday afternoon. Love you and miss you, sis. By the way, the new site design looks dope. James

flutter back - fly ahead

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