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October 19, 2003 - 10:40 a.m.

Lazy Bum

It's almost 11AM, and I am still in my pajamas. I slept until almost 10, and only just finished having breakfast. I am not usually so lazy on the weekends, but I was up way past my bedtime last night.

First I went bowling in the afternoon with my brother and some newlywed friends. I love going bowling even though I am terrible at it. It's weird because I am really competitive in many ways, but am able to totally put that aside and still enjoy something like bowling even if I am inept. We played one game of candlepin and two of ten pin. I got much better as the afternoon went on, which was nice. I even bowled a couple of strikes. Derek managed to get four in one game and still only got the second highest score!

After bowling I did some errands then headed up to my old house in Lowell to hang out with the former housemates. I got to look at photos from Scott's wedding in August (the one in which Sam was a groomsman), which was cool. Then we had a nice, homemade dinner, courtesy of my other former housemate, watched VH1's 100 Greatest One Hit Wonders, and put in teh Chicago DVD around 11. So, I left their house at about 1AM and didn't get to bed until after 2. So for once I have an excuse to be a little lazy. :)

On today's agenda are my friend's "stitch and bitch" (basically a time to get together with the girls to gossip and work on various sewing or craft projects) and chorus rehearsal. Then I think I will come home and crash. I have a busy week ahead of me, and I have been unusually social this weekend, so I think an early, quiet night is in order.

today's project: quilting and gossiping

musing about: getting back to the gym

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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