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October 13, 2003 - 7:59 a.m.

I've Got My Angry Face On

Okay, now I am really aggravated! Remember how I said the cast list was supposed to be posted Sunday evening? STILL no list! Yesterday I got "temporarily unavailable" messages for the website a couple of times, but when I was able to actually get to the site there was no list. I last checked before I went to bed around midnight, and the site was unavailable then. I was irritated, but figured one more night of not knowing my theatrical fate wouldn't hurt me. Alas, this morning, I just checked the site and still nothing! ARGH! It has now been more than a week since the auditions, and I am really getting antsy... In typical fashion, the longer I wait, the less confident I am of getting a role, too. So I each time I check the site it is with a little more trepidation than before. This really isn't fair.

I had contemplated going out to Nantucket for the day today, but I think I will stick closer to home. The weather is lovely, but it is supposed to be a bit cooler today than the rest of the weekend has been. Plus I would have to drive down to the Cape, take the ferry over and back, and drive home again. Even though fall isn't a very busy time for the islands, I am sure there would still be some holiday traffic tonight, and I don't want to end my weekend on an irritated note. In addition, I would have needed to leave the house really early to get down to Hyannis in time to make the ferry, and that just wasn't going to happen.

Since the weather is lovely, I will definitely have to spend some of the day outside. I think I will pick a place to go biking or rollerblading so I can look at the spectacular fall leaves as well. I've also been wanting to see Casa De Los Babys, an indie film about women waiting to adopt babies in Mexico, so I might try to get a matinee of that today. And I have to be home in time to watch the Sox game at 8. This series just gets more and more suspenseful! Last night's game was rained out and postponed until tonight, which means the game originally scheduled for tonight will be played tomorrow afternoon (and I won't be able to see it since I will be working - bah).

today's project: getting out of the house

musing about: when the %&*#%@& cast list will be posted

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005