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October 03, 2003 - 1:46 p.m.

Birthday Season Continues

September and October are just full of birthdays around here, In the past two weeks we've already been through M's and mine, and tomorrow is S's. R is taking her out to dinner, and surprising her by having 10 of their close friends there. Then they are staying overnight in a hotel for some well-deserved privacy. So, I am babysitting overnight.

In the hubbub of the past couple weeks, I pretty much forgot to plan a present for the kids to give to their mom. Luckily, we have the whole evening to put it together. This morning I went out and foud some pretty silver napkin rings that we can decorate with beads. Provided they turn out well, I am psyched, because it is so hard to find things the kids can make without ending up looking cheesy or tacky and eventually stuffed in a drawer.

I think we may also make her an ice cream bombe. The family isn't too keen on cake, so I think an ice cream dessert will be more appropriate for all of us ice cream fanatics. I think we'll go with three kind of ice creams: coffee (which I know S likes), some decadent kind of chocolate, and vanilla or chocolate chip or something. I may even have the kids decorate it with chocolate chips, candy, etc.

Between decorating the napkin rings and making the dessert, we should be able to pass the evening pretty quickly. I want to try to keep the kids up a little late, since the last time I stayed with them overnight, B woke me up at about 6AM raring to go. Their parents will be back by late morning, though, so I can always take a nap if I need to.

Well, I need to go spend some me time before I spend 16-18 hours straight with with kids. Much as I love them, it's going to be a long haul. So, I think I will go sit on the patio with my book and a snack and just relax.

today's project: creating birthday bounty

musing about: how to make sure three kids sleep solidly through the night

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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