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October 02, 2003 - 2:04 p.m.


I am finally done getting the pictures from my birthday online and captioned! If you'd like to see them, check out the album on shutterfly. I tried to label each photo with the corresponding item from the scavenger hunt list but had to cut a few short. If you want, you can refer back to the list from Monday's entry. I also marked in the descriptions which pictures won for each category. The voting might have been a tad skewed, since everyone from my team, myself excepted, had to leave before we voted. Still, for the most part, I think the best photos won.

As a bit of warning, a few of the photos are a tad risque. You've been warned, so don't blame me if you get offended!

Yesterday and today were much better days than Tuesday. There seem to be no lasting ill effects of the disrobing incident, luckily, and the past couple days have been much less eventful. The kids have been pretty well-behaved, even if H is still a pain when it comes to homework... It's like her brain turns off when she gets home. Her homework isn't difficult, but she ends up frustrated becuase she hasn't read the instructions or the problem carefully. The other day she insisted that it was impossible for her to answer the questions about her vocabulary sheet because the piece was about football, which she said she knows nothing about. It took several minutes and much whining (on her part) and nagging (on mine) before she could admit that she could figure out the words from the context without having to know a lot about football. In a few weeks I am going to a nanny workshop about helping with homework - hopefully that will give me some strategies for dealing with the situation.

It is really starting to feel like fall here. The temperatures have only been in the 60s this week, and the nights have been quite chilly. I like the crispness in the air, the smell of fall, and watching the leaves change to red and gold, but I do not like having to bundle up in the house, so I finally broke down and got out my little ceramic heater for my room the other day. I think Percy appreciates it, too.

Well, I must get back to the daily grind of entertaining a preschooler. In an attempt to enrich our daily routine, I have been coming up with all sorts of pre-reading activities. We've made glittery letter cards to use for rubbings and spelling out words, and now B is using letter cookie cutters with playdough and together we are making words from the letters. It is a challenge coming up with learning opportunities that will engage him, but he sees that the girls can read and write and wants to be like them. It's a nice challenge to create interesting activities, though.

today's project: playdough phonics

musing about: how green became the universal color to denote light and fat free products

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005