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September 17, 2003 - 9:58 a.m.


I haven't really had too much to write about lately... I get up, get dressed, head upstairs to nag the kids until they are dressed, fed, and ready for school. Then I ship them off to school and myself off to the gym, I work out, run errands or read at home, then pick up B from school. The afternoon is spent with him in various preschooler pastimes like drawing, working on writing letters, making messes, and cleaning them up. Soon it is time to meet the girls at the bus stop, and we have a snack, work on homework, and play until their parents get home. Not terribly exciting. M is doing really well adjusting to life in elementary school, and she loves her class. H is enjoying third grade but still puts up a fight about doing homework sometimes. Meanwhile, B has been really needy. He wants me to do everything with him, so I have been trying to alternate between activities we do together and having him play on his own - that way he will gain some independence, and I will maintain my sanity! :)

Percy survived his vet visit yesterday, but it wasn't particularly helpful. The close look at the tumor confirmed that surgery would probably do more harm than good, so for now we are in a holding pattern. Since he is eating well and is just as alert and active as ever, I shouldn't worry too much. But the vet agreed that the tumor probably will keep growing and eventually affect his quality of life. Of course, we have no idea how long we have before that happens, it could be weeks, it could be months. Still, it is hard to adjust to the fact that there is probably nothing we can do to make him better, and that he most likely won't live a very long life. For now I am just determined to get him out of his cage more and spend more time with him. He probably won't appreciate that too much, since hedgehogs are such solitary creatures, but it will at least help me make the most of whatever time we have.

I must go, since I still haven't showered, and am covered in sweat from yet another step aerobics class. The scale hasn't moved yet, but I am certainly working on it!

today's project: playdates and piano lessons

musing about: seeing Sam this weekend!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005