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September 15, 2003 - 7:27 p.m.

Mixed Monday

The good news today was that all three kids went to school! I got to go to the gym, where I took an hour long step aerobics class. Boy did it wipe me out! I really worked hard to keep my heart pumping, even when my energy was starting to flag. This is one of the best classes at the gym, in my opinion. The choreography is simple enough to follow, but hard enough that you really have to focus on what your feet are doing. I like that, since it keeps my mind off of how tired, sweaty, and out of breath I am and enables me to work out for longer at a higher intensity level. So far, I am not even sore, despite such a tough workout.

The bad news, or potential bad news, came when I took Percy to the vet. The lump on his chin/jaw that was operated on a few months ago has returned, as expected, but now something in that area has been bleeding enough that I keep finding scabby stuff on the side of his mouth. The vet is going to put him under anesthesia tomorrow for a better look, but he fears there isn't much we can do at this point. Due to the location of the tumor and the fact that it originates in a blood vessel, surgery is difficult and risky. For now, Percy is very active and eating fine, so there isn't much to worry about. However, since the mass has returned, I can only imagine it will continue to grow until it causes more serious problems.... I guess I should worry about that when and if it happens though. For now I guess I can hope that the procedure tomorrow doesn't reveal anything worse. Maybe the vet will even be able to get some of the clotting and such out, which may shrink the lump a bit and buy us some extra time.

The weekend was busy but fun. I don't feel like writing a detailed account, but I will give the quick rundown. Saturday I attended a conference for nannies that was quite informative, though a bit monotonous toward the end. Saturday night I went to a wedding, which was lovely. The ceremony was nice, and the bride and groom both looked ecstatic. The reception was a blast, with excellent food, a great band, and loads of dancing. I even ended up with blisters on me feet! On Sunday I slept in, did a lot of reading, and went to the first rehearsal of the chorus I just joined. It was SO good to sing again, even if I am horribly rusty. Plus the chorus is directed by one of my friends, and we are singing two pieces composed by two other friends. I have a talented social circle, don't I?

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