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September 07, 2003 - 10:24 a.m.


I have been having some truly odd dreams in the past few days. Before getting into the dreams themselves, let me just point out that it is pretty rare for me to remember my dreams at all. I have now experienced three nights in a row of strange, remembered dreams....

Thursday's dream took place at a party. Sam and I were there, I was in a bad mood and went off and sulked. I later went to find Sam and we ended up getting in a huge fight and screaming at one another in a stairwell, which bothered the other party guests not at all. (Don't worry they get stranger.)

Friday night I dreamed that I was a contestant on a Bachelor style reality show. I don't remember too much about what went on, but I do remember hanging out with the guy. He eventually kissed me, and I recall being relieved that he was a terrible kisser because I didn't enjoy the kiss. I was apparently still dating Sam in the dream, while being on the show.

Last night, I had a very convoluted dream that encompassed several exotic locales. First I went to some Outward Bound type of adventure camp with my friend Millie. After that I hung out with my parents at an RV campground on some Caribbean island. All I remember from that part of the dream was walking through the very crowded campground to find my parents and seeing a young, teenage guy practicing a cheerleading routine. Then I was supposed to head to the Bahamas to meet the family I work for where they were vacationing, and fly back home with them. Only I didn't have a plane ticket yet.

I am certainly not reading anything into these dreams, but it is weird to wake up every morning and try to remember what went on in each dream. When I do remember my dreams they are often of much more mundane experiences than at least the last two. Maybe something I have been eating has spurred all these grandiose dreams. Who knows. :)

I hope you all enjoyed this glimpse of my truly twisted subconscious mind!

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