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September 08, 2003 - 7:53 p.m.

Lost and Found

This is for all those out there who, like me, are voyeurs of the human race. The photos on the site are inriguing, and it is kind of fun to try to figure out what the people were like, who the photographer was, why the photo was taken, etc. The notes section is even cooler, though. Some of the found writings are funny, some pathetic, and others just bizarre. I find the website itself an incredibly wacky but excellent concept.

Today was an interesting day. I began the day in a bad mood. I had some trouble getting up that morning; I just felt exhausted despite more than seven hours of sleep. Then my plans for the morning were messed up when I found out B was going to be home from school yet again. It turns out he does have strep throat, and only got antibiotics yesterday afternoon. I had really been looking forward to getting to the gym today and starting a new routine. So, I was tired and cranky, but none of that was B's fault, so finally I was able to snap myself out of it. With some exertion of mind over matter, I was able to get over my selfishness and enjoy the day with him. I read to him, tickled him until he giggled himself into a coughing fit, played many rounds of hide and go seek, and helped him draw a giant fire-breathing dragon with chalk on the driveway. We even took turns giving each other batting practice. I ended the day in a much better mood than I began it, and with the satisfaction of knowing I had done my job to the best of my ability today. It was probably the most involved I have been with B in a long time.

Tomorrow B should be able to go to school, and I can get started in getting rid of some of the flab I have put on this summer. Many of my clothes are uncomfortably snug, and it is depressing to compare the shape I am in now to what it was about a year ago. I miss my muscle definition! Not only am I going to try to get to the gym every day that the kids are in school, but I am really going to try to cut back on the sweets and junk food I eat. During the summer, I got in the habit of having ice cream or brownies or some other fattening treat pretty much every day with the kids. That's a very bad habit, and I need to break it. Easier said than done, probably, but every bit of progress I can make will help.

today's project: another successful attitude adjustment

musing about: whether I will finally get to the gym tomorrow

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005